вторник, 30 июля 2013 г.

Nicky gave a radio interview «Hot 97" and told a lot of interesting things

Nicky gave a radio interview «Hot 97" and told a lot of interesting things.Finally, she commented on the proposal Khaled. She said that she did not take the offer seriously rapper. That's what she said about it: "I was in such a shock, as the whole world. And laughed along with the rest of the world: Khaled master of his craft. None of my relatives did not take it seriously, everyone just laughed and told me that he had gone crazy. We Khaled like brother and sister. Proposal - it's just a joke, calm down  ».Welcome to friend-zone.

To the question "What makes you continue to work so hard after you've earned a lot of money, fame and recorded many duets?" Nicky said:"I love independent women, self-motivated, I hate lazy people, and when I did all the things a few days later I realize that I can no longer sit. And because I love what I do, I'm having fun.

 "Regarding the rumors that Drake is leaving YM:"Everyone takes their own decisions, I do not know anything about it, but, for example, for me, Lil Wayne - that's all. And Drake - my baby.

 "About the new perfume:«'Minajesty' smells sooooo cool. You will like it. "And the most important question: Will the twerk in the pool pt. 2?"NO."