среда, 14 августа 2013 г.

Nicki Minaj has repeatedly recognized that from the hip-hop industry it is very much influenced by people like Jay-Z, Missy Elliott, Lil Kim, Lil Wayne, Maia, but the most important was her counselor and still is - Foxy Brown.

Foxy Brown - American repersha, which account for four studio albums, the second album repershi called «Chyna Doll» was released in 1999 and topped the U.S. chart. Foxy Brown became the first repershey, an album which debuted at number one in the «Billboard 200."

At the moment, Nicki and Foxy have friendly, but rather friendly relations. June 3 Foxy was seen in the company of Minaj at a party where Minaj was even able to touch her breasts.
One can say that the two divas of hip-hop in common is that they are both in konfilikte with the forgotten repershey Lol Kim. Most of the key actions in the conflict switches back to 2001, when both repershi claim to the throne of the "Queen of rap."
It so happens that Kim left the station building with its "roof", while at the same time, she crossed it with her ex-boyfriend, who in turn supported the Foxy in their carve-up. Estesstvenno he was not the one they first caught languages, and then did a gunfight began. Lil 'Kim did not hurt, but later served time in prison for making false statements about what happened.

But back to Minaj and Braun.13 August 2012 Foxy Brown appeared on the show Nicki Minaj, held in New York, the girls played together on stage, then Nicky said «MTV», he thinks about Foxy Brown
"I never said Foxy Brown and how it affected me and changed my life. Was I simply must thank her. I believe that people need to say such things in life, rather than after, to pay tribute. I never she knew what she opinion of me, but still, I was glad to tell her what she means to me vlyaetsya the most powerful woman in the rap industry. "