среда, 14 августа 2013 г.

Nicki Minaj "Where there is a will, there is a movement forward"

Even if you are not interested in rap, its joint with David Guetta song Starships you exactly known - just last summer it was impossible not to stumble on it, serfinguya on FM-waves. Nicki Minaj shocking video clip for this song got the VMA MTV Award 2012 in the category of Best Female Video. Well, Lady Gaga, which constantly compare the new pop star from the United States, this year is not even nominated ...

One is not quite politically correct joke white girl asks her boyfriend: "Honey, I have a big butt?" - "Of course not, darling!" Black girl asks her: "Honey, I have a big butt?" "Of course yes!" - Answers and he slams the favorite for the fifth point, causing her endless variations. So here is the new American superstar Nicki Minaj, is not withdrawn from the coolest black neighborhood of Queens, no problems with it: they say in the plastic thorough tuning into her buttocks implants inserted, and now the introduction of a steep black guy her ass looks like a million. However, girls with the student's record by priests in the New York area abound, so Nicky has found a way to break out all by yourself for hard even for male rap standards, packed in a shiny wrapper unimaginable colors served as conceptually as he can afford girl with breasts third resolution. It changes the images as often as Lady Gaga, but it is going to end: the framework of glamor does not prevent her from getting to the bottom of outright kitsch. Unimaginable wigs, tights of all colors, garish plastic outfits, be sure to emphasize the curvy ... Nothing to lose, when the road is on the cover
Vogue you ordered (even though she willingly Anna Wintour poses backstage with Nicki at New York Fashion Week). Leading cosmetics brand MAC after working with Lady Gaga contract with Minaj. "I do not care what anyone thinks I'm a girl with pribabahov - she smiles. - In the hip-hop is full of people who never achieve what I have achieved. Just staying myself, I was able to reach out to those who would not have an interest in female rap. "

In the veins of Onika Tanya Marajó (that was the name of the girl) flows Indian and African blood. She was born on the island of Trinidad. While his mother and father tried to settle in America, educating girls involved grandmother. When Nicky was five years old, my parents still took my daughter to her in New York. But life in the new country had no luck. The family worked mostly mother, a nurse who did everything to Nicky and her younger brother were safe. And it was not easy: a father, a drunkard and a drug addict, a crack was quite peaceable, but it cost him a drink, he became extremely ill. "I was very scared, but not for himself, but above all for my mother," - says Nicky. One mother had a dream that her faithful burned the house, and the next day she sent away from sin Nicky spend the night at her friend's brother. They say that night Mr. Marajó set fire to the apartment, but his wife managed to run out. Nicky with her mother and brother had all the time to change the flat. "But no matter where we moved, my father found us anyway. He is still with his mother, recovered in the hospital, he turned to the faith "- sigh girl. Although her family was peace and quiet, the memories of childhood left a deep imprint on her mind, formed a relationship to alcohol, drugs and men. "I vowed never to let one guy does not control myself! - Says the singer. - No alcoholics in my life! Because I do not want my kids to see what I had seen. "

Despite the problems in the family, Minaj - then still Onik - well studied and dreamed of stardom. When she was six years old, she told her mother that he was going to become a celebrity - at least such as the stars of "soap opera". As a very young girl, she took lessons on the clarinet. Then Nicky wanted to sing and decided to enter the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School, but on the day of audition, she lost her voice and had to learn on the program of acting. However, in this field of fortune has not smiled at the girl. In addition to a minor role in a staged off-Broadway, there was no progress. When the future star of hip-hop was 19, she got a job as a waitress at Red Lobster institution in the Bronx. Coming back late at night after a change of troubled Bronx no less hectic Queens, willy-nilly zarifmuesh a couple of lines to the pesky escorts. Later on, these rebuffs from the waist down, read a ringing girlish voice at the Kalashnikov, made a strong impression on Lila Wayne. But before the famous American rapper and producer and promoter of poetry of the streets in mass, has signed a contract with the girl, she managed to work and shop assistant, and assistant administrator, and even an office manager in an office on Wall Street - a lively young lady fired from everywhere. Simultaneously with the movement down the ladder she started rapping along with a little-known group Hood $ tars, but these losers Nicky dropped pretty quickly, has got its own page on MySpace and laid there for a few of their songs. And as more and more often lately, at the young talent came Fendi - CEO of Brooklyn label Dirty Money Entertainment. It was he who persuaded Onika Tanya Marajó take a pen name Nicki Minaj. "I waved to the last of it, but in the end he convinced me yet!" - Sighs irritably singer, who for his inner circle remains the same Marajó.
However, the name change is really benefited: Nicky recorded track by track, one better than the other, and in 2008 she was awarded an alternative music award Underground Music Awards, and a little later, in 2009, a bright debutante was taken under the wing of Lil Wayne. His instinct it did not disappoint: the debut album Pink Friday this ambitious girl was a real breakthrough, eventually certified platinum. In October 2010, Nicky was the first to perform seven songs which are all located in the Billboard Hot 100. Nicky does not hide the technology of their "carts": it all starts with the fact that her head is born bit, then she chooses a theme, then there are lines like left hook - right hook, and now her pink (green, violet, ultramarine - underline) hair flashed around the microphone in a dark studio. "Sometimes I sit all day with a bit stuck in my head and so did not give birth - sigh poet. - And sometimes sit for fifteen minutes and I'll write the whole song. "

And these songs are not her own stories, and stories of countless alter ego - their Nicky so much that even the rest Lady Gaga, with whom they regularly compared. "They all come here - Minaj says, touching his temple index finger, adorned neyldizaynom. - It's crazy that has no end. " An American journalist once compared with Nicky Russian dolls: inside one image is hidden in another. Pink doll Harajuku Barbie, burning Spaniard Rosa, and another man Roman Zolanski, angered gay, and his "mother" in March - and they all recitative voice Minaj. The birth of the Roman marked the release of the second album Nicky - Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded. Girl-fan of her transformation into this character is not very much, Nicky even got a lot of tweets asking them not to change their name. And the character of Nicky Lewinsky, she decided to get rid herself: her army of fans is replenished by very young girls who do not know the history of the prototype. In general, self-censorship for the singer not an empty phrase. On the one hand, respect from the guys for the most savory rhymes about sex, drugs and violence, on the other - the adoration kindergarten graduates, because Nicky for their animated kapron doll with pink hair and bright clothes. These admirers of his work she calls my Barbs - from the English Barbie. And as long as this contradiction it can handle. Speaking at prime time on the show Ellen DeGeneres, she willingly smoothed somewhat racy lines, because on stage, beside himself with delight, she helped two angels - eight and five years. "I'm very strict with my niece and younger brother - she admits. - They have to listen to the lightweight version of the song. Even my songs. I truly believe that children need to be kids. Nevertheless, initially adjust their creativity into this audience I'm not going. The rapper will never change myself, even for the children. "

Nicky generally woven of opposites. "I like those comic book heroines. And the wind blows - and I like Marilyn ... "- read it in one of his songs. On the one hand, all these corsets, body, tight-fitting dresses, lashes and nails it emphasizes their sexuality, on the other - flatly declares: "I want people, especially young girls, knew seksapil - it's not important! You have to have something else. " But with seksapilen not so simple, and at the very Nicky. Once journalists got to the bottom of apparent - judging by her texts - so relaxed artist. Do guys like it? And the girls? Maybe all at once? Nicky was silent, his eyes downcast. "What neither one nor the other like?" - Could not resist intrusive reporter. "No - she shook her head. - In general, I do not like it - sexy or you're out there still have in mind."

Once Nicky began to collaborate with such pop stars like Mariah Carey and Madonna, and especially after the incredibly successful collaborations with David Guetta, severe rap fans said: opopsela Minaj, forgetting about their origins. "People love to talk on the topic of where I came from. But I'm always experimenting in pop music - outraged the singer. - Do I have to apologize for what has become a hit Starships and every American can sing it in the shower? "

Lila Wayne company under contract with Nike, is called Young Money Entertainment (young money - «Young Money"). In his late 30 Minaj knows perfectly how to make money. It is one of the most sought-after media persons campaigns. Nicky presented a joint collection Versace and H & M, her hit Super Bass sounded by one of the hits Victoria's Secret, it can be seen in recent commercials Adidas Originals, a famous brand of nail polish OPI has created in her honor limited edition collection ... It produces its own perfume, and in 2013 the world will see her behalf clothing collection.

This girl has long can afford hotels like London's Dorchester, but the evil streets of the troubled childhood, do not let go of her, recalling how it came out. A few months ago, she shared with eleven million followers on his Twitter'e: «My beautiful cousin Nicholas. My baby. Killed last night near his home in Brooklyn. " The police decided: the reason - a stray bullet, strangers apart. But Nicky well kept hiding behind her played enough bombast, eccentricity and outrageous. Once she was asked to name the Top 5 best, in its opinion, the rappers. She put herself in second after the boss Lila Wayne place. And Jay-Z, albums, which was heard in his youth, averted a fourth! "My motto is: where there is a will, there is a movement forward," - says Nicki Minaj.

 sister Nicki Minaj